
Motivational musings to encourage you to embrace everyday life with courageous creativity!

Improv To Grow LLC ©All Rights Reserved

2019 Word of the Year goes to... Legacy

So I tried something different and choose a word focus my energy moving into 2019. It resonated within my spirit and scared me all at the same time. It is a big word full of incredible expectations and major consequences at first glance. It has be a year of breakthroughs, awareness, and life changing impact. It was a pivotal shift in mindset as I intentionally focused wherever I went and whatever I did. Legacy clarified my focus whether I was sharing my passion for Improv or moving through everyday interactions with those around me.  Here are few of my discoveries:

I showed up differently with a new level of confidence because it wasn’t just about me.

I was more open to the unforeseen greater plan that unfolded unexpectedly.

I experienced a deeper connection with those around by slowing down and being mindful.

However my biggest takeaway was how each encounter would initially impact my personal legacy but more importantly those around me. As Alan Alda said it’s much more important to be interested others not interesting.  It helped me move into my learning zone with a renewed motivation to be truly present in new and profound ways so that it would impact their legacies. As the year unfolded I was able to clarify that my primary passion is to hold space for transformation. What does mean, what does that look like only time will tell in the New Year. It has been an amazing year and look forward to I’m still discerning a word for 2020 so stayed tuned.  

Now I’m curious about… what does LEGACY means to you?

Improv To Grow LLC ©All Rights Reserved 2020

L Hurst